Shrines / Temples / Churches

Spot informations and reviews

[164]Fukutoku Shrine (Fukutoku Jinja)

Description Although it is a small shrine, it was allowed to sell Tokuji (something like a lottery ticket) during the Edo period. For this reason, it now attracts many worshipers as a power spot that improves financial luck. It also sells goshuin stamps. (500 yen) Reviews by situation “Relaxing alone” Recommendation score: /10 Fukutoku Shrine […]

Spot informations and reviews

[160]Tsukiji Hongwan-ji Temple

Description Erected in 1617, it burned down in the Great Kanto Earthquake, so the current building was completed in 1934. It has an unusual design with ancient Indian style motifs and is designated as an important cultural property. There is no goshuin, but commemorative stamps are installed, and there is a restaurant in the Daiichi […]

Spot informations and reviews

[142]Kameido Katori Shrine (Kameido Katori Jinja)

Description It is said that its origins date back to 665, when Fujiwara Kamatari prayed for a safe journey on his journey. Afterwards, Fujiwara Hidesato prayed for victory in battle, which was fulfilled, and since then, successive emperors and many other Worshiped by military commanders. Currently, many people visit to pray for victory in sports […]

Spot informations and reviews

[107]Imado Shrine (Imado Jinja)

Description Although it is a small shrine, it is famous as a god of matchmaking and a power spot for fulfilling love. The two beckoning cats next to the main shrine are called “”Ishi Nade Neko””, and it is said that if you pet them, your wish will come true. We also sell goshuin stamps. […]

Spot informations and reviews

[099]Thorn Jizo Statue Kogan-ji Temple (Togenuki Jizo-son Kogan-ji)

Description It is commonly called Togenuki Jizo because of the anecdote that during the Edo period, a maid who accidentally swallowed a needle swallowed the Mikage (paper amulet) of Jizo Bodhisattva and was able to spit out the needle. This Mikage is actually sold inside the main hall. (200 yen for 5 pieces) Goshuin stamps […]

Spot informations and reviews

[087]Archdiocese of Tokyo Cathedral (Tokyo Cathedral Sei-Maria Daiseido)

Description This is the church building of Sekiguchi Catholic Church, designed by world-renowned architect Kenzo Tange. The building has an original and innovative shape, but when viewed from above it looks like a cross. The interior has a calm and mysterious atmosphere and is open to anyone to visit. Reviews by situation “Relaxing alone” Recommendation […]

Spot informations and reviews

[077]Tokyo Great Buddha Joren-ji Temple (Tokyo Daibutsu Joren-ji)

Description Joren-ji Temple has a history of 600 years and was a resting place for successive shoguns during their falconry hunts during the Edo period. Tokyo Great Buddha is the third largest Buddha in Japan. After the Great Kanto Earthquake and Tokyo Air Raid, the Tokyo Great Buddha was built to prevent disasters from happening […]

Spot informations and reviews

[055]Kanda Myojin Shrine

Description One of Tokyo’s Ten Shrines, founded in 730, dedicated to Daikoku-sama and Ebisu-sama. In addition to matchmaking, it is said to have the benefit of prospering business. It is also famous as the setting for anime such as “”Love Live”” and “”Steins Gate””. Reviews by situation “Relaxing alone” Recommendation score: /10 Kanda Myojin is […]

Spot informations and reviews

[026]Tokyo Daijingu Shrine

Description It is also called Tokyo’s Oise-sama and is considered part of Ise Grand Shrine. It is famous as a matchmaking shrine, perhaps because it has been used as a wedding venue since the wedding of Emperor Taisho. In addition to Goshuin stamps, it also sell Enmusubi-mori and Koi-mikuji. Reviews by situation “Relaxing alone” Recommendation […]

Spot informations and reviews

[013]Yushima Tenjin Shrine (Yushima Tenmangu)

Description This shrine was founded in 458 and is dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, who is known as the god of learning. Many students come here to pray for success, and they also sell several types of goshuin stamps. If you walk about 10 minutes to the south, you will find Yushima Seido (Shoheizaka Academy), […]