Shrines / Temples / Churches

Spot informations and reviews

[036]Nezu Shrine (Nedu Jinja)

Description This is an old shrine that is said to have been built about 1900 years ago, and has been designated as one of Tokyo’s top ten shrines. The 1,000 torii gates of Otome Inari Shrine attached to the grounds create a mystical atmosphere. It is also known as a famous spot for azaleas, and […]

Spot informations and reviews

[030]Sengaku-ji Temple

Description It enshrines the Ako Roshi (Ako Gishi) who is famous for the episode “Chushingura” where he avenges his lord. There is also a graveyard of Ako Roshi within the temple grounds, which you can visit. (300 yen for incense sticks) There is also a museum of Ako Roshi. (admission fee: 500 yen) Reviews by […]

Spot informations and reviews

[019]Zojo-ji Temple

Description Located at the foot of Tokyo Tower, the large vermilion-painted main gate (Sangedatsumon) is a landmark. There is also a large gate a little south of Zojo-ji Temple, which was the main gate used previously and is called Daimon. This is the origin of Daimon Station. The inside of the main hall (dai-den) is […]

Spot informations and reviews

[016]Yasukuni Shrine (Yasukuni jinja)

Description It was built in 1868 as a shrine to honor those who died for the country. The shrine has many visitors due to its popularity, but it is also famous for the stalls and cherry blossoms along the approach. The attached Yushukan introduces the history of Japan’s upbringing and wars. Reviews by situation “Relaxing […]

Spot informations and reviews

[003]Meiji Shrine (Meiji Jingu)

Description It is a shrine that boasts the highest number of New Year’s visitors in Japan every year. Surrounded by vast nature, this shrine not only has a large site, but also has a very large torii gate. It also offer personal prayers. (for a fee) Reviews by situation “Relaxing alone” Recommendation score: /10 This […]

Spot informations and reviews

[002]Senso-ji Temple (Asakusa Kannon)

Description This is Tokyo’s oldest temple, said to have been built in 628, and this is Asakusa’s most famous tourist attraction. The entrance is through Kaminarimon Gate, and on the way to the main hall you will find Nakamise Shopping Arcade. The temple grounds include a five-story pagoda and Hozomon Gate, and the main hall […]